Monday, May 23, 2011

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

from the Garden Journal

May 21 . . . planted 6 petunias and one foxglove, saw the hummingbird again.  Sprinkled chamomile seeds a few days ago, cut 6 bunches of oregano to dry on herb racks. Sunflowers are up.

May 22 . . . had breakfast and coffee early on the front porch, saw a deer.

May 23 . . .  planted in the garden – carrots, beets, last of the potatoes, more cucumbers, bush beans, all peppers and tomatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower.  

from the Homesteading/Self Sufficient Journal
May 21 . . .started placing 3 set of pot holders in my on-line store.

May 22 . . . baked 2 lbs. of dry pinto beans, our six hens gave us 6 eggs.

May 23 . . . baked 3 lbs. of dry black beans to freeze, about 2 more weeks and we can butcher the meat chickens.

from the Writer’s Journal

May 20 . . . sold 11 articles, need to find another site or resource to write for

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