Thursday, May 12, 2011

Blog posts slowing down

It’s that time of the year when my blog posts begin to slow down a bit.   I am already into the busy season of gardening, herb gardening, planting fruit trees, and repairing.

Today, although the rain is holding back, we are to expect even more.  This is putting a hold on getting the rest of our garden planted. 

In the mean time, I spend most days clearing out and splitting up my herb gardens.  Today, I have 2 buckets full for free green onion, sitting alongside the road.  

It is so nice to step outside, snip green onion or whatever I prefer, and added it to a delicious salad for lunch.  It’s also nice to sit on the porch and enjoy eating it.  I did share my tuna with one of the barn cats today.  He was purring, so  I just couldn’t resist.

Thunderstorms are 40% chance right now, and I sure hope they hold off.  I’ve been getting quite a lot finished in my herbs, and replanting them in other areas.  My lemon verbena has spread, along with my oregano.  And yet I have several more herbs to plant from seed.

My husband's health insurance has now required us to participate in an on-line program.  We log in exercise, weight loss/gain, and take part in a walk challenge.  Today, I started wearing a small gadget to track my miles of gardening, housework, and just plain walking through the house.  It will be interesting to see what it reads after I've used it for a full day.  The programs also take quite a bit of my time logging in and reading materials, as well as tracking my progress.  It's definitely a time stealer having to do all. However, if we don't, our co-pay and deductibles will go up in cost.  Could this be another control issue by the government? 

.....back to the garden.

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