Thursday, March 3, 2011

Newest Addition to Our Farm ~ 5 Barred Rocks and 1 Tetratint

The barred rocks are straight run, so we are taking our chances at a few more roosters.  The lady at the store showed us a way to hold them up, and if they are calm, chances are that it's a female.  If it goes crazy, it might be a rooster (an elderly man told her this).  Three were calm and 2 flung their feet around.  Hmmm.  We'll see what we end up with, and see if the elderly man has an old-age secret on sexing chickens.   The white one is called a tetratint.  I have no idea if I am spelling it correctly, but she will lay a light brown egg.  I believe she is a hybrid. 

The kids are already working on a name for the tetratint.  She is very loud, active and funny to watch. 

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