Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Merriment

Last night the kids told me that school was closed for an in-service day today.  I didn't believe them.  The calender did say it was closed for that reason, but why not use it to make up all these snow days?

It may be a good day for me to get some more crocheting finished.  I'd like to at least, get the larger projects done, as they are more difficult to crochet when the weather turns hot.  It's not too comfortable crocheting a blanket across my lap in 90°F temperatures.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the snow to disappear and take a few camping trips.

It's pretty isn't it?  My  17 year-old daughter snapped this photo behind our property.  We may possibly get more rain and snow this week yet.

I'd rather be camping, however with all these extra helpers (hence my merriment) today, I can get chores completed faster.  I've already started gathering materials to get my book writing goals written down.

Our new baby chicks are doing great and our white tetratint has been named "Lola," which is short for Lolita.  She is loud, sings a lot, runs around the cage with vibrant energy and loves attention.  She is definitely a "show girl."  Yesterday she had a really thin, and darker colored piece of wood shaving in her mouth.  It was hilarious to watch.  She was running around in fast circles, with the barred rock chicks chasing after her.  She thought she had a hot little snack, and was going to keep it all to herself.  They are so funny to watch.  Our one dog, who is "mother" to all babies, is already giving them "kisses."


  1. How old is your Tetra Tint? Mine have great personalities too, love them! :)

  2. We just got the chicks early March. They are still getting their feathers in. We only have one, but she has a very good personality, and is friendly.


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