Friday, March 11, 2011

Glass half full or half empty?

The other night, when we were all seated at the dinner table, a discussion came up.  Typically, our tradition is to go around the table and say one “high” and one “low” of the day.  

(Borrowed from

This time, the topic of a half glass of water came up.  Our 11 year-old asked what it meant by saying “half empty” or “half full.”  When we finished explaining the meaning to her, our 9 year-old daughter asked a question.

“So, Mom? Am I a glass half empty or half full?” she asked smiling up at me.

We both busted out laughing.  

She always has the funniest and unexpected things to ask or say.  One day she came to me and told me she “was in a pickle” and couldn’t remember when pajama day was at school.  School had a snow day anyway.  However, the school planned a “wish winter away” pajama party, and on that very same day, they had another snow day.

Today, she was tickled to be able to wear her pajamas and her hand crocheted slippers for the make-up day, for the “wish away winter” party.

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