Friday, February 4, 2011

Surviving storm and sickness

My husband flagged down a guy driving a truck with a plow, and we finally got plowed out.  It wasn't without a few words of encouragement either.  They guy looked at the 5 foot drift covering the center of the U-shaped drive, and said he couldn't do it.  Well, he did, and we are glad he took what little amount we could pay him.

I was able to get out and get myself to the doctor, which would not have been possible without my mother.  I would have just crawled back into bed, again after day 5, but didn't.  It's a good thing too.  I have a big, honkin' sinus infection.

I was smart enough to bring along a driver, my son who is now wishing I was well again (ha ha ha!), and a lap sized crochet project.  There was a long wait in the waiting room, and I crocheted half of my first market bag.  I finished it today.

The kids, so far, have been pretty helpful.  Although another kiddo is congested today.  During the 3 days off from school, one of the girls baked Old Fashioned Butterscotch Refrigerator cookies.  The recipe is in the following book.  I had lots of sofa/bed time to read through my large stack of library books.

I am enjoying this book.  There is much more than recipes in it - poems and more.

Thankfully, the 4 pounds of dry pinto beans I cooked up have supplied us with many meals.  Since I am still not feeling well, I made a beef-less stew, by adding more pinto beans to it.  The cayenne peppers we froze from last summer's garden, are dicing up nicely for this stew also.  And of course, the tomatoes, and other garden goodies went into it, making it a healthy, low-cost, and delicious meal.

It's been nice to see the sun shine outside also.  Although, my medication states that I cannot be in direct or artificial sunlight (along with a list of warnings).  It makes you wonder what they use to make the stuff.

What do you mean I shouldn't be up here?!

1 comment:

  1. Great bag! I sure hope you are your household are all getting better. Sounds like you have some helpers with you.

    Nice stopping by to visit with you :)

    Kindly, Lorraine


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