Sunday, December 26, 2010

Getting out those dust covered journals ~ Lots to write about this Christmas

It's time.  It's time to get those journals out and use them.  You know, the ones that have fancy covers, leather bindings and others that I'm too chicken to write in?  Yep.  Those are the ones.  It's time to get busy and start my second novel.  Only this time around, it will be for the eyes of an editor and agent.  The first time was for practice, but you never know, it may make it to the printer yet.

For Christmas, I told the kids what I really wanted from them.  I wanted an essay, a story, or memoir of their favorite and happiest event in the year of 2010.  I received one letter from my youngest, and a power point show from the next oldest, but nothing yet from the older kids.  I know they are not afraid to write, but may the "lazy's" have taken over them.  I also told them I wanted a clean house and peace.  I knew those two were not going to happen. The kids have also, way too often, associated Christmas with "buying" and maybe they can't get over the hump that prevents them from enjoying a homemade/handmade gift.

(More Christmas Day Snow)

Our propane tank ran out Christmas Eve, while one kiddo was showering - ha ha!  We had to boil water like the pioneers did to heat water until the propane company opens.  We will be better prepared for the next fill-up.  Yet, still I am happy they do happen.  It gives me so much to write about.  It reminds me to be thankful for non-electric ways of life, and to be thankful for simple, everyday things, like hot water.

Another accomplishment for me, is starting a journal simply for story ideas, names to write down - anything.  It's a red vinyl covered journal I was too chicken to start writing it.  Now I have several pages of glued down pictures, names, places, things people have said and more.  All for the good of a story.

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