Saturday, November 6, 2010

I broke 10,000 words by noon!

The NaNoWriMo Web site is once again experiencing overload, and I am unable to access it to post my word count.  As of now, I am up to 10,002.  Despite a dog whining to go out, a daughter running into my writing room to scream, "We're getting a 23 pound turkey for Thanksgiving!" my 11 year-old dropping and breaking a glass that I had not even put into cupboard 2 hours ago and from my mother, my 8 year-old later stepping into the glass with bare feet and running tip toe to me crying, the very load Colbert report my 18 year-old son insists listening to while washing dishes, and a beeping of the washing machine signaling that it needs to put put outside on the line, I am still reaching my daily word count goal.  

Wood splitting day is approaching, so by bedtime, my goal is to double today's word count.

I think the kids will be cooperating from now on.  Two of them have been added to my novel.  They've been warned.  Bwahahaha!!!

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