Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Making Progress

I'm making progress in tidying up the house before my husband returns.  Yesterday I wrote an an article, "How to have a weekend getaway in your home" and also spent 3 hours sewing.  The sewing project was sitting on my sewing machine, and cluttering up the bedroom.  Therefore, I decided to get started, and clean up the bits of clutter.  I also managed to sew a leg back onto my youngest daughter's stuffed frog.  I see she wants a cat tail sewed back on a stuffed cat, but I cannot find the body to it.  Hmm?

I have managed to take 1 very large load of recycling to the recycling center, and the kids put the leaves into the compost.  Once I have the odd jobs finished, I can get back to writing more articles.  Thankfully, the weather was windy today, and the laundry dried quickly outside.  I have several writing magazines that have not been read yet, and are sitting in a pile.  I've since stopped those subscriptions and have been borrowing from the library.  It helps tremendously on cutting down on clutter.  I'm also more prone to read them before they are due back, unlike if I get them in the mail.

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