Friday, August 6, 2010

Honey ~ The Bee's Business ~ More Garden Tales (if you can stand to hear them)

We were researching honey and my husband found a local harvester.  To give it a try, we bought a quart.  When he asked me if I wanted a gallon, I thought he was crazy!  A gallon?!  Who in their right mind would use a gallon of honey?  Well, I think we will be using more of it.

After reading all about the benefits of local harvested honey vs. store bought, I was shocked.  Today I made a Honey Apricot bread with 1 cup of it.  We have yet to slice it.  I sure smelled good, and the recipe came from a Bear Wallow recipe book.

We also dug up more home grown carrots and peas.  This is the first year to use heirloom seeds and we started with the peas.  I can't believe the color and the taste.  I will definitely add more to my garden, so we will have more and even more to freeze for the winter/spring.

While the bread was baking today, I made another 2 quarts of homemade salsa!  Yum!

While the girls helped chop tomatoes, I ventured out to the garden to pick more.  Only I found that Mr. Raccoon made a visit to the tomatoes last night.  He pushed a few stands over and munched on a few tomatoes.  That must have been what upset the barn cats last night.  There was such a racket of noise, cats snarling and hissing, we wondered what happened.  Here, the barn cats were guarding the garden.  They are so funny in that way.  Protectors of their land, that's for sure.  As for the raccoon, I'm wondering if it's him that's splattered on the highway today (blech!).

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