Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can you identify this flower?

I have yet to identify this flower.  I planted it about 11-12 years ago, and had purchased it from a mail order catalog.  I have since then, dug it up and moved it twice, and have now planted new starters in 3 other areas.  The hummingbird loves it, and it spreads quickly.


  1. Obedient Plant. You can push the little flowers around on the stalk and they stay where you pushed them. My Mum says Obedient Plant isn't so obedient, though, because they don't stay where you plant them. They can spread quickly. I've had a patch on the north side of the house for 12 years now and they haven't spread too far. I guess I got some obedient Obedient Plant. Nice blog, I love all the crochet, herbs, freezing and canning and look forward to trying my hand at making some homemade tortillas. I'm glad I stumbled across your site!
    God bless you with a beautiful day.
    Jessica K.

  2. Thanks for the identification. Thanks for stopping in for a blog visit too. Have a great week.


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