Thursday, July 29, 2010

Collard Greens, Swiss Chard and More Turnips

I really need to cook up our garden collard greens.  Our swiss chard is looking great too.  I'm going to search around the Internet and my cookbooks for more turnip recipes as well.  With 3 pounds of ground turkey thawing, I think a nice turkey burger to go along with all of this will make a nice meal.

Yesterday I made 3 quarts of refrigerator pickles and 1 1/4 quarts of homemade salsa.  The salsa was a hit.  I used a recipe from a library book I borrowed, and substituted ground coriander for fresh cilantro.  With extreme heat here this year, my cilantro went to seed early.  I also used a cayenne pepper from the garden instead of a hot chili pepper.  It was a huge hit and they want me to make more today.

Salsa Recipe, Page 36 
Note:  I used whatever tomatoes I had on hand (plum, roma, cherry, and beef tomatoes).I used 2 green peppers from the garden as well, however I will use my garden poblano peppers in the next batch.

I saw that my husband took a jar of pickles to work yesterday, to eat throughout the week.  That's why I made up 3 more quarts.  However (grrrr!), he has stolen another jar today too!  I'll have to make garden notes to grow more cucumbers so I can actually can some for winter.

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