Thursday, April 8, 2010

Declutter challenge and Spring Cleaning ~ April 2010

In the personal challenge to declutter and clean my home, I now have a van full of clothes, purses, curtains, and books that are soon to be dropped at a thrift store.  Today I found 7 more items to give away and one to recycle.  I can't believe how I have kept ahold of some of these items.  I still have an electric typewriter.  Does anyone even use those anymore?  I'm not sure they even sell the typewriter ribbons for them.  I can't believe I moved that thing twice.  What is wrong with me?  Maybe a child can use it to play house with. 

Even the kids are going through their clothes too.  It's been a great feeling to live with less and help someone else.

Rain and cooler weather has given me more reason to go through items.  One shelf or drawer at a time, and sometimes an entire area.  The garage will be last.  I am sure there will be a trip to the dump following that cleaning job.

I have not even given myself a deadline for my cleaning, but I am hoping for the end of May.  Then I can rest easy over the summer in caring for the vegetable/fruit garden.  And of course, what would be life be without several flower gardens?!

1 comment:

  1. It always feels good to clean and purge old items! It is rejuvenating!


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