Monday, March 22, 2010

90 Day Bible Reading Challenge ~ Day 81 ~ Nearing the end of a new beginning for me

It's hard to believe I have gotten this far.  Reading 12 pages a day had truly been a challenge to a Mom like myself.  It's so easy to fall behind when turns and twists in they daily schedule can throw me off.  I do my best reading when the kids are all in school.  Once they are home, I literally have to read out loud in order to keep my brain focused on my reading.  This challenge has created a new daily reading habit for me.

I still have about 8 pages to go today.  With 2 kids home for sickness and injury, it's been extremely challenging to read with "Sponge Bob Squarepants...." going on, and being beckoned to sick beside my sick daughter and focus on my Bible. 

Plus, to even concentrate to write period, is a challenge.  I think I need another box of Milk duds and another pot of coffee.  I may be a long afternoon.

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