Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jasper the Naughty Cat ~ The Missing Tissue Paper Flowers

Oh I wish I had a camera that video taped constantly around here.  Not that I would want my life on the Internet, but these cats of ours are hilarious!  I wish I could have gotten a picture of video clip of Jasper running through the house carrying a tissue paper flower attached to a chenille stem. 

The girls made tissue paper flowers over the weekend, and I fell in love with them.  Immediately I stole two of them, and the vases they crafted, and placed them in two kitchen windows.  It was like bringing spring into the house early.

However....yep there is a however in the story.  The flowers disappeared during the night.  Vases were toppled and we soon found out what happened.

"JASPER!"  Or could Tiger have helped?

The girls removed the flowers to a safer place, or so they thought.  Ha ha ha!

Just minutes ago, Jasper, tailed by Tiger, went flying through the kitchen with his prized possession - the chenille stem with the tissue paper flower!

1 comment:

  1. Love Jasper. He reminds my of my little Emmett! I believe it is impossible to cat-proof a home.


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