Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 ~ Reading the Bible in 90 Days Update

I have decided to add another journal to my daily writing.  Instead of simply underling every Bible verse that digs at my heart, I am writing them down.  After I finish reading the Bible I can open my journal and see those verses, and study them one by one.

I have a greater understanding each day I read.  One thing that has been weighing one me is the sabbath.  How often do I do laundry on a Sunday?  The answer is a lot.  I do housework, shopping, laundry, and a lot of other work.  But where do you draw the line on what "work" is?  What about yard care?  I love my gardens, so in the summer I do spend a lot of time in them on Sundays.  But the Sabbath doesn't have to be Sunday.  For some people it is Saturday.

The Sabbath is one area I plan to work on.  I don't give myself a day of rest.  This could be why the kids are so stressed lately as well.  It's amazing what I can learn from participating in this challenge.

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