Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last Paper for English Class

I'm a currently putting the final touches on the last writing assignment for my college English class.  In doing so, I realized it's been 21 years since I took my the prerequisite for this class. I am striving for an even higher grade than the one I received on the previous assignment.

I have also found a very inspirational book at the library, in regards to writing fiction.  It was printed back in the 90's, but it was just what I needed to focus on daily writing.  If you get a chance to visit your library, look for the book titled,  The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, written by Jack M. Bickham (© 1992).  My library does not have this book, however I was able to inter loan it from one (and only one) area library.

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