Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Burning the Mignight Oil

I'm using that title as a figure of speech.  I spend countless hours taking care of everyone else, that it's frustrating sometimes just to find one hour to write.  Then when I get my hot little hands on the key board or a pen in my hand, I simply freeze up.

I had to laugh at my son yesterday.  I told him that he reminds me of myself.  For Christmas he received a large drawing pad, and a table top easel.  For two days his drawing pad has sat on the easel, and has been moved from place to place.  However, he has not thought of what he wants to draw or paint.  I laughed because I completely understand the feeling.  My computer or paper and I can sit for days with nothing concrete.  When I saw his easel moving from place to place, I was inspired to not cave into procrastination.  To simply pick up and write, even if I have to put headphones on and blast out the kids chatter.

Well see if my son picks up his art pencils today.  I know I will be writing, even if it means turning off my phone for a few hours.  

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