Monday, October 5, 2009

Kittens, College and Chickens

That is sure a strange combination to write about today - kittens, college, and chickens. Despite our efforts to find homes for the last two kittens, we could not. They have already adapted to the barn life, and one has already learned to hunt mice. Although they are given fresh food and water twice a day, they still have the instinct to hunt. We have plenty of field mice too. They remain friendly and are often held. We'll have to start working on warm winter beds for them.

I survived writing the group's paper last Friday. We received a 90% grade on it, however not with much help. Apparently, group projects are still required in some classes and many of the students simply don't participate. Why? I have have no idea. Could it be that they aren't the ones paying for their tuition and they could care less if their grade is reduced? Either way, it was tough for me, considering I haven't been to college in years. I was thrilled to see the grade though. Although, I did miss my writer's group meeting due to working on the final touches before handing the paper in.

I'm so happy we started raising chickens for eggs. We were blessed with another double yolk the other day. Each child has learned how to care for them, so it makes it easy when work needs completed. The chickens are getting a bit brave and wandering a bit further each day. We have acres full of grasshoppers that they fight over. They are not caged during the day, and have free roaming access throughout the yard. I do have to be careful in case "foxy loxy" returns to our "farm".

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