Thursday, August 13, 2009

What do stay-at-home Moms do all day?

If you are a curious reader, and have been wondering what stay-at-home mothers do all day, then you've come to the right place. You can put the stereotype that we are all couch potatoes, watch soap operas and eat bon bon's all day, into the toilet. We are all different. We all have a different size of family and the demands and responsibilities are all different. I can't even say there is a "typical" day for us either. To give you a sneak peek into my day, this is what today amounted to. We've had zucchini for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Now it's time for Braised turnips over brown rice or barley. See how the day went:

1. got up showered, dressed, ate breakfast
2. made bed
3. wrote for 2 hours (my time)
4. put laundry on the line outside
5. vacuumed
6. watered outside plants
7. did dishes
8. called financial aid office regarding application
9. cleaned up bathroom floor
10. went through yesterday's mail, sorted and shredded etc.
11. put cushions out on the back patio
12. cleaned off kitchen table
13. put more laundry in the washer
14. cleaned up utility room floor
15. cleaned off kitchen counters
16. checked library on-line for items due and items in
17. swept off front porch
18. ran vacuum in bedroom
19. picked up kids flip flops laying in hallway floor
20. ran dishwasher
21. sent e-mails to sister, mom, brother, and friends
22. make chicken and cheese Quesadilla for lunch
23. put corn pudding in the crock pot for dinner's side dish
24. checked garden for any veggies - pulled turnips for dinner, beets, and zucchini
25. put away dried herbs that were drying on the herb rack, cut more to dry
26. read Bible
27. swept kitchen
28. worked on handmade Christmas gifts (keeping the it frugal and budget friendly this year)
29. put more laundry on the line
30. put more laundry in the washer
31. got the mail
32. delivered a healthy meal and fresh zucchini to Mom
33. took one daughter to a doctor appointment
34. picked up needed items and attempted to get prescriptions (that's a whole story in itself)
35. drove home and wrote another article while eating my dinner
36. drove to the gas station to fill up the van
37. took towels off the line
38. washed my face and got ready to go to bed

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