Sunday, August 9, 2009

Temperature here is in the red!

It's 95°F and feels like 103°F. Phew! Wind is the only thing that is helping my laundry on the line dry. Yep. I have laundry on the line on a Sunday. Monday they are calling for thunderstorms and I won't be able to hang anything out. Plus, I have errands and another hearing appointment for our 12 year old.

I just started a third pair of girl's/woman's slippers and have found a nice manly pattern for my son. He's getting a pair whether or not he wants a pair (ha ha ha ha!).

Today, I had to assign a child to make signs that will be duct taped to the tops of the laundry hampers. For some reason, after 4 years of having them, no one can remember that you don't put wet towels and wash cloths in with the clothes. Ugh!

Well, even though the temperature is horrible, I'm about to make us some of my famous baked snack mix and watch Ghost Busters with the kids. It's been many years since I've seen it, and the kids have requested my company. Fun, fun, fun!

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