Sunday, August 30, 2009

Spaghetti Squash, Zucchini, Eggplant and Tomatoes

I'm on the search again for new recipes. I have beets roasting to go with our Spinach/yogurt/tomato pizzas. With the cooler weather suddenly arriving, I am a little sad to the zucchini slow in growth. I really enjoyed being able to just walk outside and pick something to make dinner with.

I may substitute the spaghetti noodles in the eggplant/zucchini bake, with the spaghetti squash. Not sure yet. I found a few that looked good too.

I can't wait to can tomato sauce. I use it so much during the summer with vegetables. I'm even using my green onion to top the pizzas for tonight. We went through all of my dried Thyme and Oregano, so I had to cut more to dry. I also cut Rosemary to flavor the beets that are roasting.

I brought a sprig of thyme into the house and potted it. I have never grown my herbs inside, other than rosemary, which I usually kill before spring. I'm heading out tomorrow to cut some oregano to grow inside also. I have grown basil inside since spring, and I am really enjoying not having to buy it. The cats don't bother due to the taste.

Now all we need here are peach trees. I would love to bake with fruit too. The pear and apple trees are young, so it will be a few more years for them. I think we will plant a blackberry bush and strawberries for sure.

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