Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I was a bad Mom this morning

In a hurry, while in between buses coming and going, I signed onto the computer. Bad move. I should have never thought that I could check e-mail and check on my articles at the same time the kids were getting ready for school.

I had one child left home (other than the one going to on-line school). She was late getting up because of me. I was trying desperately to get my writing done, and did not pay attention to my motherly responsibilities.

The bus rolled in, and she had no lunch packed. I scooted her out with a bag that had only a few items. I felt absolutely horrible to have her so upset at the beginning of the day. I logged off everything, and finished getting dressed.

Feeling so horrible, I decided to not only pack her a lunch and deliver it, but to deliver it in my special pink ribbon lunch cooler. I wrote her a small note that I hoped it would bless her day and that it was packed with love. I added a neat sticker too.

When I got home, I decided I wasn't going to let the computer steal my day or mind away from me. My family needs me, and it's bad enough I started back to college. I can't delegate chores anymore because they are all in school during the day.

I surely hope her day was blessed with the lunch I packed, and that she forgives me for getting her up late. I think I am putting too many "things" into my day and I need to re-prioritize them.

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