Monday, August 24, 2009

Freezing more Sweet Corn

I got another 32 cups of sweet corn frozen yesterday. I had planned to make a quadruple batch of zucchini pancakes, but didn't get that far. I plan to get the pancakes made today.

I have already put dinner in the crock-pot, and have one load of laundry on the line. I'm a bit behind and still have to do my homework. The kids think it's funny- watching me try to juggle everything and go back to college. They laugh at the fact Mom has homework too.

I think, as I find ways to grow and freeze or can our own vegetables, the kids are starting to feel the same "pioneer" spirits that I do. They are already talking about how they don't really get to "live" there own life if they are forced to work a job they really don't like, just to survive. They are imagining running a farm, raising their own meat, dairy, vegetables, etc. It's interesting to see them consider schooling, college, and the final outcome. Is it really worth it? I know I will find out for myself, as I have just started back to college. I'm already wondering, "What was I thinking?!"

I can say, that bartering vegetables this summer was worth it. I would love to meet more farmers and vegetable growers, and barter for items that didn't grow or were not planted. We did buy the corn, but it was worth it. The freezer is filling up and it will help our grocery costs. It's also much healthier for us, than to buy it canned from the grocery store.

I may even try to blanch and freeze some more zucchini. The nights are getting cooler here and the garden won't last much more.

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