Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Preparing for the start of another school year

It's that time again. When we search for the best prices on school supplies, clothes, and save up for school fees. This year however, two kids will be eliminated from most of those expenses. I'm so excited for one daughter to give on-line school a try. All of her needs are supplied by the school, no fees, no special clothes, and no extra purchases such as Ziploc bags, paper towels, Kleenex and wipes. It's so nice not to have those inconvenient and expensive purchases.

The oldest is attending a career center school, so the largest expense is for a uniform. Which in the end helps cut my cost of school clothes tremendously.

The last three however will need the monotonous list of supplies, clothes, fees, and those pesky added purchases of wipes, Kleenex and so forth. This year we were ahead of the game by buying some supplies at great prices the year before. There are a few things that we could not, such as glue sticks, which dry up when not being used.

Living in the country now, the kids found ways to entertain themselves outside of the house. We still had our summer of indoor activities, but we all prefer fresh air. I love to sit on the front porch in my wicker rocker and read my Bible.

I am already dreading the kids being gone from the house. As opposed to most parents, I enjoy my kids being home. We've had a good summer even though we could not have a family summer vacation. There are still quite a few days to have some time together before school takes over our lives. I may even sign up for college again and school right along with them. Journalism is sounding pretty good right now.

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