Sunday, July 26, 2009

Eating from our first vegetable garden ~ Turnips

I just pulled 2 nice sized turnips from the garden to add to my famous heart healthy mashed potatoes. I'm working on getting the recipe published on eHow soon. This is the first year we have grown a vegetable garden and we are loving it so much.

I will also be snipping fresh chives to add when the potatoes are completely mashed. Unfortunately our sweet corn only grew one stalk. We planted it too late I think. We are learning so much and taking note on what changes to make for next year.

We have already pulled several zucchini and added them to so many vegetable dishes and zucchini bread. Some is shredded and already in the freezer. I can't wait to pull some beets and try new recipes. Next year I'd like to add sugar snap peas. I already have recipes for them and most of what's growing in the garden.

I not only feels good to be eating good food grown without chemicals, but it's absolutely fun! The only thing we have put on the garden is organic coffee grounds. I'll try to get some photos posted when I pull more vegetables. I didn't think about it until I cut the turnips up. They were perfect in size and crisp.

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