Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Kids Activities and Kittens

The younger girls are being "moms" to the kittens. You can see that the "goldie" in the top photo is fast asleep and very comfortable. That picture was taken while our 7 year old daughter rocked him in a rocking chair (ha, ha, ha!).

Rain has arrived and the humidity is pretty thick. We are a bit uncomfortable but entertaining ourselves. Older teens are exercising, reading, and drawing. Younger kids are putting newly printed photos in family and kids albums and giggling at old photos. I'm reviewing children's picture books and Dad is busy at work

I slept in until 10:00am this morning. I could not believe it! I never do that. My body must have needed it, because it sure felt good. My bed is not made and the house work has not even been started. Some times the daily routine needs to not be a routine. Yeah for slipper days!

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