Friday, June 26, 2009

Library Summer Reading Programs

The kids are enjoying the summer reading program at the library. During the time they are in their program I am able to have 60 minutes to myself. I can crochet, read, write, browse - all without interruption. Woo hoo!

The programs are free. Right now our family is getting the most from our libraries, especially during a financial time where money and jobs are extremely limited. Our libraries are currently being threatened by another state funding cut. If this goes through, there will be more jobs taken from Ohio residents, and the wonderful resources the libraries provide will no longer be available. How will school students complete homework assignments? How will I be able to review books? How will we survive without their important and much needed resources to Ohio residents? It's sad for most Ohio residents right now. Hopefully they will find other areas where funding can be cut from anywhere but out libraries.

I was thrilled to be able to crochet the set of Wagon Wheel Coasters for one of the kids. These are on the left in brown colors and will go into her Hope Chest. The other set is for my mother, and are made from a free pattern on

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