Monday, April 27, 2009

Newest Crochet Project: Another blanket

(Back side of blanket)

My son is the first to graduate, so I am working on a blanket for his hope chest. Who ever said boys won't need anything when they move out and are on their own? His choice of colors were black and red. This blanket is experimental, so if it doesn't turn out nice, I'll be making another one. I'm simply using single crochet, and working in the new color using a spike stitch. I never heard of this stitch, but found out about it in the book, "Teach Yourself Visually Crocheting" by Kim P. Werker and Cecily Keim. I'm only a beginner, so bare with me. I'm not yet ready to move onto the fancy stuff.

This book is wonderful and has step-by-step pictures for stitches and projects.

Teach Yourself Visually Crocheting, by Kim P. Werker and Cecily Keim

Check your local library before buying a copy.

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