Monday, January 26, 2009

Post-it Packin' Mama - How to get your kids to pick up after themselves

I became the Post-it Packin' Mama, with the Take-it and Trash It scheme. The kids were complaining that I was complaining each time they left something out, or where it didn't belong. So.....I stopped complaining, and toted a pack of post-its and a pen. I walked around the house and slapped one on everything that needed to go back to it's home or needed cleaned up. I even went as far as to put one on the unattended dog that read, "Love Me". Hubby didn't get left out either. One was slapped on his drill he left out that read, "put me away".

My scheme worked when they started laughing at me and wondering what I was up to. I explained that if they take the post-it, they must trash it and then take care of the item it was on. So far so good. Bwahahaha! Kids should never underestimate their parents, especially their mother.

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