Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Mashed Rutabagas and Green Peas ~ Leftover Mashed Potatoes

In my recent organizing days, I located a recipe that uses leftover mashed potatoes.  Not very often do we have them leftover, but this recipe is a good way to use them to create another healthy dish.

Start by peeling and cutting a large rutabaga into 1/2 inch pieces.  Add them to a pan of water and a bit of salt and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cover until rutabagas are tender (30-40 minutes).  Drain.  Mash them.

Combine your

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Our Onion Soup Mix Experiment ~ Tidbits

Why onion soup?  Because I have nothing else to write about today (yet).   

Believe it or not, I am still deep cleaning here and there (three boxes went to the thrift store), and finally got Hubby to replace the old (very old) light fixture in the kitchen.  We've had replacement for it for a long time, but have not had the time to get it up.

Back to the soup. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

A no-rush day. . .

We got a teensy bit of snow last night, and this morning it is so peacefully quiet outside.  The traffic is almost zero.  As I stood sipping a cup of hot coffee while one dog was out and about I could hear Timmy purring up a storm while rubbing his head on my slippers.  It was so nice out there, that I didn't mind Jesse's morning jaunt.  In fact, I think I downed an entire cup of coffee watching him go from tree to tree, while listening to Sparta crow from the coop.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Barbecued green beans are are already in the crock pot.  I decided on that, and a yellow squash and corn casserole today.  The green beans are made with my homemade ketchup, and the casserole with the corn we put up (and homemade baking mix).  Simple. I'm lucky to have found organic yellow squash at the grocery store.

 (sorry for the links to the recipes, I got kind of lazy today)

Today is a good day to post a gratitude list.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

As random as it gets. . .

I have no new recipe to share, no family funny, nor exciting updates today.  It's a cold, cloud covered day here today, and you can tell the snow is on the way.

When the girls got home from school, they could hear gun shots out behind the homestead.  I did my usual walk around the property.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

On the Road Again. . . . 75 plus miles

Monday was a day about everyone else.  You know those days where everyone has needs, and your the one required by your title as Mom to see to the needs?  

I did not even get out of the shower before one of the kids called.  She forgot her "gym clothes."  

Monday, November 24, 2014

Weekend Tidbits ~ Do I hear Jingle Bells?

The weekend did warm up, and it was enough to let the fire go out.  Although we woke up to sunshine and no rain Sunday morning, I was fighting a migraine.

Around 5:00am Sunday morning, I took ibuprofen, and let a dog out.  The ibuprofen took the edge off, but laying there, I knew it was a migraine.  Then a bit after 8:00am, I asked Hubby to go search for my migraine medication.  It had expired.  It had been that long since I had one.