Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Back to the Garden and other happenings

I'm back to gutting the garden, but will leave the greens in for a while yet.   It was a toss - clean the coop or head to the garden.  Tough decision.  School was delayed, and eventually closed (again) for fog.  I sure hope we don't run out of our snow days before the snow even arrives.

Instead of work, aside from laundry, I ended up "playing" first.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fascinating Tidbits ~ Garlic Butter

I threw in "Fascinating" for extra thrill today, ha ha!  It's not really that interesting.

Gladys were all pulled for winter.  The bulbs have grown bigger over the years, and have outgrown their box.  They won't survive the winter here outside.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fall Blooms ~ Tidbits

The white mums I planted a few years back, are blooming now.  These were table decorations at my younger brother's wedding, and I have two that stayed alive and continue to bloom.  They add a color in the flower beds that I did not have before.

This past cold spell kind of took a toll on my zinnias.  They don't look like they'll be blooming for much longer, but boy have we enjoyed them.  We are already talking about where to put in new flower beds to add more color here.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekend Updates

It rained all day Saturday, but we split wood inside the barn.  I also tackled cleaning the last window blind, and Hubby helped.  We managed to get one air conditioner in storage, and a few windows washed on the inside as well.  It was cold, but I was not going to fire up the wood stove.  No way.  I need the chimney swept first.  We hunkered down with flannel pants/pajamas, and lots of blankets instead.

I've been stocking up more herbs, and getting more medicinal herbs put into jars as well.   I started a jar of plantain/comfrey oil that I'll eventually use to make a salve, and I got a batch of elixir made.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Wicked Weather

I spent the day doing some more stocking up, and got homemade condensed mushroom soup in the freezer.  I need several more made, so each trip to town, I pick up shallots and mushrooms.  I managed to get three article drafts done too, which was a huge relief to get back into my writing.

Hot chocolate is finally restocked for this cold spell were are currently in.  The weather is very fall-like, with a mix of storm-i-ness.  The wind is wicked due to the coastal storms.  I hope everyone is hunkered down and safe.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Brrrr! ~ Tidbits

Where did "Fall" go?  It went from summer straight to too cold.  Brr!  Hot chocolate weather is here now.

Yesterday flew by quickly, and I didn't get much done as planned.  Unfortunately, a senior at the school our kids attend, was killed in a tragic car accident.  Upon the start of school, the student was announced missing, and his car located in a ditch.  After school started, they located his body.  I had to go pick up one daughter, who was very emotional.  When I got there, the entire school was in tears, adults, teachers, kids....very emotional day.  Students were not allowed to drive home in the cars they drove to school with.  Parents had to pick them up.  Homecoming dance is postponed.  Just a very sad, emotional day for the his family, school and local community.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Recycling the barn siding.....

 A while back, I ordered a few stencils to paint signs for your home.  I'm painting sayings on the old barn siding we removed from the big barn.  The stencil above was a free sample, and I'm glad I had a sample to practice with.  Rough barn wood is not easy to paint.  I'm so glad I got the stencils vs. trying to freehand them as well.

This one had a few nails at the end, and even gently giggling the nails loose, they both broke.  It left the sharp end on the other side, so those had to be removed.  Just old stuff to work with.